Dreamer, nothing but a dreamer

I'm a dreamer. I dream both at night and day. I dream of doing something big, something that changes the world some day. Maybe inventing something useful. Helping poor and sick families over the world. Being a volunteer. Travelling the world and helping animals in need. I don't know what it will be yet, all I know is that I want to do something. And one day I will. I will not be one of those who dream of making a difference, but feel trapped by something, or someone. This is something I will do in honor of myself. A dream that I know will make me happy. Because I've been unbelievably blessed in my life. I'm not rich, not even near. But I still feel like I can do whatever I want and still make it financially. And I know that there are many people out there that aren't that fortunate. I also have a great family, a mom and a dad that I can always talk to. And it's the same here, not many have that person they can talk to. And I can be that person.

Not everyone are meant for the school bench, with all the books and homework. And even though I do really good in school, I graduated with great grades, I feel like school has never really been anything for me. I'm more of a do-er. I want to use my hands and my creative mind. I want to create. I really like people, too. I like meeting new ones, as well hang out with the "old and rusty". I also really love the nature. It's the most beautiful thing on earth. The way everything is shaped and created to fit perfectly together. But nothing blends in or stands out. It just is. I've seen some really beautiful things with my own eyes, but I still feel like I haven't even scratched the surface.

This is what I dream of. Seeing the world and at the same time meet people, and help those in need. What do you dream of?


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